Criminal Justice Advisory Board (CJAB)


District Attorney

Dauphin County, Pennsylvania

Francis T. Chardo, Chairman
"The mission of the Dauphin County Criminal Justice Advisory Board (CJAB) is to enhance the criminal justice system and public safety through a collaborative and targeted approach which prioritizes the support of evidence-based practices and innovative strategies while maintaining fiscal responsibility and maximizing outside resources."

CJAB Subcommittees

About CJAB:

The initial meeting of the CJAB was February 23, 2003. The District Attorney’s Office spearheaded the efforts to create the CJAB, and it was formally established […click for more info]

through Administrative Order 03-103 as written by then Dauphin County President Judge, Joseph H. Kleinfelter. A Criminal Justice Local Policy Board, which met as early as 2000, preceded the existence of the CJAB and evolved into the CJAB upon the issuance of the Administrative Order. The Board was established as an advisory arm of the Dauphin County Court.

Upcoming CJAB Meeting Dates

Date Notes Agenda Minutes